Campus Ministry

Campus Ministry connects the school community to the greater Catholic community in the Archdiocese of Vancouver. Primarily, we organize monthly school Masses, chapel Masses, and other liturgical events.
Campus Ministry also works with GLCs to develop grade level retreats, and will be developing other retreats for students. In Advent and Lent, the East Vancouver Deanery priests come to Notre Dame to hear confessions from all students who wish to prepare for the great seasons of Christmas and Easter through reconciliation.
The Campus Ministry Coordinator, Mr. Howie, works with the coordinators at the other Archdiocesan high schools on common programs, sharing in the development of resources. Students are involved in this department through volunteering at Mass as readers and altar servers. The school sacristan, Mr. Dharmasetia, organizes altar servers and welcomes new servers at the beginning of the academic year.
A Prayer to Know, Love, and Serve
Father, we ask for grace through every moment of this day:
to know You more clearly as our first beginning and last end;
to love You as being everything our heart could desire and need;
to serve You in everyone we meet so that they may see
Your presence in all that we say and do,
through Christ Our Lord.
School Masses
Opening School Mass
September 19
December 12
Easter Mass
April 9
Our Lady of the Rosary
October 17
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
January 16
Mother's Day Mass
May 10
All Souls
November 2
Ash Wednesday
February 14
Grad Mass
June 13
Fr. Juan Lucca
School Chaplain,
St. Francis of Assisi Parish