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Dances and dress downs, Krispy Kremes and crazy eating contests,
Activity Days and Bingo Nights —
your Student Council takes the awesome responsibility of
covering every month of the school calendar
with Juggler Spirit very seriously...
Your 2024-2025 Exec

Nathanael Servano
Sienna Pavan
Vice President

Daniela Ruscitti

Martina Poldrugo
Matea Curman
Public Relations
Ethan Metcalfe
Public Relations
... and Grade Reps
Grade 12
Angela Bifulco
Izahbella Mawji
Emily Mayne
Michael Scaglione
Grade 11
Ella Babuin
Stefania Cirotto
Aaron Dapapa
Maggie Hong
Kristina Pavan
Grade 10
Amalia Custodio
Gabriel Fonseca
Alyssa Hebron
Gabriella Porco
Selena Quilatan
Grade 9
Calista De Zen
Samantha Javines
Nadia Krumpak
Adam Maccarrone
Michael Poldrugo
Camera Von Hahn
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